Call to Action - Bill of Rights Defense

On today's Gary Null Show, we spoke with Shaheed Buttar, the executive director of the Bill of Rights Defense Committee and the People’s Campaign for the Constitution which aims to defend civil liberties, constitutional rights and the rules of law threatened by the war on terror. You can hear the full episode below:
Please visit the BoRDC sub-site specifically targeting the National Defense Authorization Act and join the fight against this travesty:
Our nation celebrates Bill of Rights Day every December 15, the anniversary of the ratification of the first ten amendments to the Constitution.
But on December 1—just two weeks before Bill of Rights Day—Congress passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The NDAA allows the indefinite military detention of US citizens without trial. It contains the most oppressive national security powers we’ve seen in our lifetimes, easily worse than any Bush administration policy.
Join the Bill of Rights Defense Committee in standing against the military detention provisions of the NDAA.
Take action on the NDAA
1. Sign our petition
Add your voice to the thousands of Americans saying "NO!" to indefinite detention without trial.
Sign our petition against the NDAA.
We also have a special petition for military service members, veterans, and retired officers because those voices are uniquely important on this issue.
2. Learn more about the NDAA
Our toolkit on the NDAA includes information on why the NDAA is so dangerous, talking points about the bill, and ideas for anti-NDAA events and actions you can hold in your community.
3. Hold an event in your community
Bill of Rights Day is just around the corner: Thursday, December 15. Standing up for the right to trial, separation of powers, and presumption of innocence is a great way to celebrate the Bill of Rights.
Local actions can help demonstrate widespread opposition to this dangerous law and shift the discussion in Washington. Our toolkit offers a wide range of ideas about what kinds of events you might host.
Tell us about your event and we'll help publicize it!
We also have a full-page flier and quarter-page flier you can use to publicize your event.