Robert Fisk: A new truth dawns on the Arab world

Leaked Palestinian files have put a region in revolutionary mood.

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Forging his way through the predictable UK media censorship: Dr Andrew Wakefield Responds to Measles Outbreak in Swansea
Leaked Palestinian files have put a region in revolutionary mood.
In 1977 I took my first job in higher education at Boston University. One reason I went there was because Howard Zinn was teaching there at the time. As a high school teacher, Howard's book, "Vietnam: the Logic of Withdrawal," published in 1968, had a profound effect on me. Not only was it infused with a passion and sense of commitment that I admired as a high school teacher and tried to internalize as part of my own pedagogy, but it captured something about the passion, sense of commitment and respect for solidarity that came out of Howard's working-class background. It offered me a language, history and politics that allowed me to engage critically and articulate my opposition to the war that was raging at the time.
USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack announced this afternoon that the agency will fully deregulate Monsanto's controversial genetically engineered alfalfa. The choice was favored by the biotech industry and one of three options identified in the USDA's Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) released last month.
The Controversy of the Latent Period following Immunizations Harold E Buttram, MD Introduction: In 1986 the U.S. Congress passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, which set up a system whereby the families of vaccine-injured children could be compensated for such injuries. Based on personal experience and observation, there has been much criticism of this system and question whether not it is serving its intended purpose.
Statistics on Natural Infectious Disease Declines, Immunization Effectiveness, and Immunization Dangers
In response to Brian Deer's assertion that one's questioning the outcome of a legal proceeding is simply "second guessing" and that the judgement recently passed upon Dr. Andrew Wakefield is final and merits no further discussion or investigation, we wanted to share some facts and stats that illustrate the contrary.
STATEMENT FROM DR. ANDREW WAKEFIELD I am accused of altering the clinical histories and test results in autistic children in order to manufacture a disease – a disease described in The Lancet in 1998 that Brian Deer says does not exist. I have documents that confirm beyond a shadow of a doubt that I did not falsify the data, that the findings are real, and that these findings were accurately reported in the Lancet.
In view of the latest attacks by Brian Deer on the reputations of Professor John Walker-Smith and Dr Andrew Wakefield published in the British Medical Journal, CryShame is stating its continuing support for these doctors who took seriously the severe health problems our children suffer.
"The British Medical Journal and reporter Brian Deer recently alleged that my 1998 research paper was 'a hoax' and 'an elaborate fraud' and that my motivation was profit. "I want to make one thing crystal clear for the record – my research and the serious medical problems found in those children were not a hoax and there was no fraud whatsoever. Nor did I seek to profit from our findings.