Gary Null, Ph.D., and Nancy Ashley, VMD - The Politics of Medicine

By Gary Null, PhD and Nancy Ashley, VMD
March 5, 2012
In 2012, America has become the most overmedicated society in history. Indeed, there is a medication for every condition, and we believe these medications will make us happy, slender, full of energy, and attractive like the people in the television ads. We are even told that we don’t take enough medications as the list of made-up diseases grows longer and longer: restless leg syndrome, social anxiety disorder, overactive bladder, pre-diabetes, adult ADD. We never stop to question why we need all these drugs. We never even notice that they aren’t making us better, or that we can’t get off them once we start taking them. Why do we refuse to see that despite all these medications we are nevertheless the sickest industrialized nation on earth?
America doesn’t profit from prevention. There are no preventative programs for cancer, heart disease, arthritis, dementia, Alzheimer’s, or diabetes, for a simple reason: it would compete with the massive profits of the medical industrial complex. So instead we have become a nation of gluttons -- we sublimate our anxiety and fears with comfort foods and the government encourages it instead of offering us an honest look at cause and effect. Protecting the financial interest of the fast food industry, the makers of potato chips, soft drinks, hamburgers, steaks, desserts, genetically engineered corn, and pesticides are a compliant FDA and USDA whose leaders have been hand-picked by the White House to represent the interests of manufacturers. There will be no advocacy from Congress whatsoever to help the health of Americans. But what is the likely outcome if we continue with our current lifestyles?
We are witnessing a watershed of dysfunction. The American media has assisted in creating this mythology. They have not only protected the American medical paradigm and the pharmaceutical industry, but they have actually attacked physicians, scientists, whistle-blowers, and parents groups that have run into the medical bureaucratic juggernaut. As a nation we have sunk so low as to allow our legislators to create laws based on what they are told by big business through the American Legislative Exchange Committee (ALEC), laws that mandate the Gardasil vaccine for girls and now boys or they can’t go to school, and laws that require that health care workers get the flu vaccine or lose their jobs. All of this without the major media ever raising a single question: is this real science, or science for sale?
We have decided to explore the politics of medicine and the consequences of therapies, physicians, scientists, advisors, government agencies, the media, and a vulnerable public who are unaware of how malignant the system has become – how pernicious, widespread, and in fact, endemic, the self-interest, greed and bad science actually is. Part I of our in-depth investigative report will show that American medicine is not only broken, but contributes to unnecessary injury and death into the millions of victims per year. It has morphed into an extension of the pharmaceutical industrial complex – the friendly face with the white coat and the stethoscope. We will now deconstruct this myth.