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Gary Null Award-Winning Documentaries That Make A Difference

Gary Null say NO to GMO!!! part 1.mp4

Gary Null In Huntington - Knocking On the Devil's Door Screening

Dr. Andrew Wakefield response to the measles outbreak in South Wales

Forging his way through the predictable UK media censorship: Dr Andrew Wakefield Responds to Measles Outbreak in Swansea


Over One in Six Older ER Patients Wrongly Given Potentially Harmful Drugs

A recent study at the University of Michigan has found that over 1 in 6 older patients receive the wrong medications in emergency room visits. According to the study, which was published in Academic Emergency Medicine, nearly 19.5 million patients age 65 and older received one or more potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) in emergency visits from 2000-2006.

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How to Talk to a Tea Party Activist 

We'll be hearing a lot about the tea party movement on tax day. They will be angry, and some of that anger at the tax system will be justified. Like all social movements, the tea party wave is not monolithic. There are hard-core libertarians, white supremacists and partisan Republicans that are not interested in dialogue. But in my conversations with rank-and-file tea party activists, there are important points of common ground.

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8 Invented Diseases Big Pharma Is Banking on

Since direct-to-consumer drug advertising debuted in 1997, pharma's credo has been When The Medication Is Ready, The Disease (and Patients) Will Appear. Who knew so many people suffered from restless legs?

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Electroconvulsive Therapy: A Second Opinion

If you thought shock treatment was a thing of the past, you’re wrong. ECT is making a comeback, with its supporters saying it helps depression and prevents suicide. There are three things you should know, though: It doesn’t help depression. It doesn’t prevent suicide. And patients coming out of this treatment can have more problems than they did going in – including death.

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AIDS Is Not A Death Sentence

By Gary Null Ph.D, The words "death sentence" usually make us think of criminals awaiting execution. But in the past decade, a sad thing happened on the way to the doctor's office. We began handing down death sentences to an innocent group of people who live among us-those who test positive fop the HIV virus.

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The Pathologizing of the African American by Psychiatry

by Gary Null Ph.D, Hi everyone. I'm Gary Null. I'd like to invite you to a special presentation: an in-depth investigation into the subject, "The Pathologizing of African Americans by Psychiatry." To prepare the information for this series required years of work on the part of dozens of individuals. This could not have been done without the Citizens Commission on Human Rights International and the Citizens Commission on Human Rights of Florida, and so many individuals spending thousands of hours doing scholarly research. I'm indebted to them for the information I'm about to present.

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The Big Lie About AIDS

by Gary Null Ph.D,
Ten years ago Dr. Peter Duesberg was a lone voice in the world of AIDS research. At that time, the molecular biologist, world-renowned virologist, and UCLA professor began asking a question that seems like heresy to this day: Is it possible that we were wrong when we equated HIV with AIDS? While any scientific discussion should allow such a challenge, others tried to silence Dr. Duesberg. AIDS research continues to be driven by the hypothesis that HIV is the cause, with virtually all our medical and scientific resources invested in this hypothesis. But several outstanding scientific voices are joining Dr. Duesberg in denouncing this approach.

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The Return of Christian Terrorism

Christian terrorism has returned to America with a vengeance. Though these new forms of violence are undoubtedly political and probably racist, they also have a religious dimension.

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10 Ways to Force the Stinking Rich to Share Their Wealth

Deficit hawks aren't interested in the deficit, they just don't like the idea that the government spends money on social projects that help poor people. To close the deficit, we could either raise taxes or cut expenditures, and you never hear deficit haws begging to raise taxes. Here are 10 ways a deficit hawk who didn't hate poor people could ease his anxiety

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To Organize Against Wall Street, We Need a Narrative Focusing on Crime and Massive Fraud

As we ask ourselves, how we can be experiencing the largest economic meltdown in decades with millions out of work, and millions more losing their homes, and yet, with no real mass mobilization or ongoing response from the progressive world.

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