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"David Schwartz" - The Rise of the Second-String Psychopaths

Published on Sunday, June 5, 2011 by

The great writer Kurt Vonnegut titled his final book A Man without a Country. He was the man; the country was the United States of America. Vonnegut felt that his country had disappeared right under his – and the Constitution’s – feet, through what he called “the sleaziest, low-comedy Keystone Cops-style coup d’état imaginable.” He was talking about the Bush administration. Were Vonnegut still alive in the post-Bush era, he would not have felt that his country had returned.

How had our country disappeared? Vonnegut proposed that among the contributing factors was that it had been invaded – as if by the Martians – by people with a particularly frightening mental illness. People with this illness were termed psychopaths. (The term nowadays is anti-social personality disorder.) These are terms for people who are smart, personable, and engaging, but who have no consciences. They are not guided by a sense of right or wrong. They seem to be unaffected by the feelings of others, including feelings of distress caused by their actions. Straying from a decent way of treating people, or violating ethical codes causes no anxiety, the anxiety which is what causes the rest of us to moderate our more greedy impulses. If most children feel anxiety when they are pilfering the forbidden cookie jar, psychopaths feel just fine. They can devour the cookies, shatter the jar as evidence and stuff it in the trash can. When accused, they can argue with apparent sincerity that the cookie jar has been missing for at least a week. There suffer no remorse, no guilt, no shame. They are free to do anything, no matter how harmful.

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"Molly O'Toole" - Major International Leaders Plead for the US and the World to Get Smart and Stop the War on Drugs

By Molly O'Toole, AlterNet
Posted on June 4, 2011, Printed on June 5, 2011

The Waldorf Astoria may be worlds away from the blood-spotted streets of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, where the "drug war" has taken over 35,000 lives; the fiefdom-like favelas of Rio, Brazil, where even the police don't go; or Pakistan, one of the lowest-ranking on human development in the world, and neighbor to its largest opium producer. But members of the Global Commission on Drug Policy came to the famed New York hotel Friday to bring together leading thinkers and call for an end to the global "war on drugs," whose failed policies have claimed thousands of victims around the world over the last five decades.

The Commission on Drug Policy released a report Thursday outlining these failures and recommending reforms, among them a shift from criminalization to public health and from incarceration to consideration of a full range of alternatives, from decriminalization to legalization and regulation.

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"Ralph Nader" - Open Letter to President Barack Obama from E.coli 0104:H4

Published on Saturday, June 4, 2011 by

June 3, 2011

Dear President Obama:

My name is E.coli 0104:H4. I am being detained in a German Laboratory in Baveria, charged with being "a highly virulent strain of bacteria." Together with many others like me, the police have accused us of causing about 20 deaths and nearly five hundred cases of kidney failure--so far. Massive publicity and panic all around.

You can't see me, but your scientists can. They are examining me and I know my days are numbered. I hear them calling me a "biological terrorist," an unusual combination of two different E.coli bacteria cells. One even referred to me as a "conspiracy of mutants".

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"Robert Borosage" - It Takes a Movement

Published on Friday, June 3, 2011 by Huffington Post

This is a classic "small d" democratic moment. The economy is in deep trouble -- immediate and long term. Washington is oblivious, compromised by moneyed interests, knotted by ideological divides. It will take an angry and aroused citizens' movement to demand the debate worthy of a great nation in deep trouble.

The dismal jobs numbers only punctuate the reality of an economy that isn't producing sufficient jobs. The crisis is both immediate and long-term. The so-called recovery hasn't begun to recover the jobs lost in the Great Recession. 25 million people are in need of full time work. Home values continue to fall. 25 percent of 17- to 25-year-old high school graduates not in college are out of work. Much of a generation is at risk.

The immediate is only an expression of more profound problems. The middle class was losing ground before the Great Recession. Good jobs are being shipped abroad. Wages aren't keeping up with the costs of basics. The broad middle class that made America exceptional is disappearing. The American dream seems ever more like a nostalgic memory. The nation continues to run unsustainable trade deficits, and must dig out of a mountain of debt -- both public and private. For the first time, an increasing majority of Americans fear their kids won't fare as well as they have.

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"USA Today" - Study: Climate Change to Hike Ozone-Related Illnesses

Published on Friday, June 3, 2011 by USA Today

USA Today

WASHINGTON - Left unchecked, climate change could increase breathing problems and health costs by exacerbating ground-level ozone, warns a report Thursday by the Union of Concerned Scientists.

Higher ozone levels could trigger 2.8 million additional serious respiratory illnesses and 944,000 extra missed school days in the United States in 2020 that could cost $5.4 billion, according to the peer-reviewed report by the Cambridge, Mass.-based environmental group.

"Even a small increase in ozone due to a warmer climate would have a significant impact on public health," said report co-author and UCS public health expert Liz Perera in announcing the findings. "It would mean more asthma attacks, respiratory illnesses, emergency room trips and premature deaths."

The most vulnerable U.S. states? The study used a mapping model by the Environmental Protection Agency to calculate national impacts and rank the 10 states most likely to be harmed in 2020.

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"James Hansen" - Silence Is Deadly I’m Speaking Out Against Canada-U.S. Tar Sands Pipeline

Published on Saturday, June 4, 2011 by

The U.S. Department of State seems likely to approve a huge pipeline, known as Keystone XL to carry tar sands oil (about 830,000 barrels per day) to Texas refineries unless sufficient objections are raised. The scientific community needs to get involved in this fray now. If this project gains approval, it will become exceedingly difficult to control the tar sands monster. The environmental impacts of tar sands development include: irreversible effects on biodiversity and the natural environment, reduced water quality, destruction of fragile pristine Boreal Forest and associated wetlands, aquatic and watershed mismanagement, habitat fragmentation, habitat loss, disruption to life cycles of endemic wildlife particularly bird and Caribou migration, fish deformities and negative impacts on the human health in downstream communities. Although there are multiple objections to tar sands development and the pipeline, including destruction of the environment in Canada, and the likelihood of spills along the pipeline’s pathway, such objections, by themselves, are very unlikely to stop the project.

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"Dr. Jeanne Bramhall" - The "Me-Too" Drug Rip-Off

June 6, 2011

By Dr Stuart Jeanne Bramhall

In addition to the billions of health care dollars drug companies waste on disease mongering -- convincing the public that everyday human problems are actually illnesses requiring treatment -- billions more are wasted on developing and marketing hundreds of "me-too" drugs. By definition, a "me-too" or "copycat" drug is a very slight variation of an existing drug that is already on the market. The main downside of me-too drugs is that they are a primary factor in skyrocketing health care costs, which in turn, are the main reason hundreds of thousands of Americans can't afford to see a doctor when they are ill. Other drawbacks of Big Pharma's fixation with copycat drugs include the neglect of hundreds of untreatable fatal and disabling illnesses and hundreds of cases of premature death and/or permanent disability related to inadequate safety profiling. Nearly all the major drug recalls in the last few years have involved copycat drugs that were assumed safe because they were chemically similar to medications already on the market.

An Issue First Raised by Ralph Nader

I first learned about me-too drugs when Ralph Nader raised the issue in his 2000 presidential campaign. Dr Marcia Angell, Harvard Senior Lecturer in Social Medicine covers the subject extensively in The Truth About the Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us and What To Do About It (2004) and in "Excess in the pharmaceutical industry" in the Canadian Medical Association Journal

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"FRANKLIN LAMB" - Israelis Rush for Second Passports

"Perhaps as many as half of the Jews living in Israel will consider leaving Palestine in the next few years if political and social trends continue."


Perhaps historians or cultural anthropologists surveying the course of human events can identify for us a land, in addition to Palestine, where such a large percentage of a recently arrived colonial population prepared to exercise their right to depart, while many more, with actual millennial roots but victims of ethnic cleansing, prepared to exercise their right of Return.

One of the many ironies inherent in the 19th century Zionist colonial enterprise in Palestine is the fact that this increasingly fraying project was billed for most of the 20th century as a haven in the Middle East for “returning” persecuted European Jews.  But today, in the 21st century, it is Europe that is increasingly being viewed by a large number of the illegal occupiers of Palestinian land as the much desired haven for returning Middle Eastern Jews. To paraphrase Jewish journalist Gideon Levy “If our forefathers dreamt of an Israeli passport to escape from Europe, there are many among us who are now dreaming of a second passport to escape toEurope.”

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“Christopher Mims” - What’s the relationship between climate change and Arizona’s forest fires?

Christopher Mims

June 6, 2011

A crazy-big forest fire is raging through Arizona, battled by 2,300 firefighters and covering 287 square miles. It's the third largest forest fire in the state's history. But is it a product of climate change?

The short answer is that we have no idea until someone digs in to the specifics of this particular event. But the more important answer comes from a document put out by the Arizona Cooperative Agriculture Extension, which notes that a warmer, drier climate and more extreme swings between the multi-year El Nino / La Nina weather patterns are setting the state up for more wildfires than ever.

The crazy thing is, it's not just hotter, drier conditions (La Nina) that cause more forest fires. The wetter winter weather that comes with an El Nino "condition[s] the landscape for wildfire by providing moisture to grow biomass," i.e. underbrush and more trees. Then, when the weather swings the opposite way, to a La Nina, the dry conditions are conducive to wildfires.

We already know that climate change is going to lead to more extreme weather and wider swings in the El Nino / La Nina cycle. What's intriguing is that the cycling between these extremes is what sets up the conditions for more forest fires.

Another important factor is, of course, forest management. When forests are prevented from burning, or underbrush isn't cleared out, it can lead to more extreme fires.

The report concludes:

"The increasing frequency of extreme fire weather conditions and drought-stressed vegetation could combine to promote enhanced wildfire activity under a changing southwestern U.S. climate."


“Sara Laskow” - Natural gas ‘golden age’ requires government regulation

Sarah Laskow

June 6, 2011

Natural gas will provide 25 percent of global energy by 2035, up from 21 percent now, according to a report from the International Energy Agency (IEA), a Paris-based organization that studies and advises on energy issues.

The IEA's report asks if the world is entering a "golden age" of natural gas and answers, more or less, "yes." (Although it seems possible that the organization framed the question that way only to create the perfect acronym for their analysis, which the report calls "The Golden Age of Gas Scenario," or GAS Scenario. Oooh, recursive!)  

Natural gas' share in the energy mix will overtake coal's by 2030, according to the report. The organization sees natural gas as preferable option, carbon-wise, to coal, but the increase won't do nearly enough to decrease carbon emissions, the IEA reports. Fully half of the reductions in carbon-dioxide that the GAS scenario does predict would come from China switching over from coal. Right now, according to the report, China uses as much natural gas as Germany, but by 2035, it could use as much as the entire E.U.

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