"KATHARINE Q. SEELYE" - Gas Boom Aids Pennsylvania, but Some Worry Over the Risk

Gas Boom Aids Pennsylvania, but Some Worry Over the Risk

A gas drilling site behind a farmhouse in Fairdale, west of Montrose, Pa. Drilling and the businesses supporting it have lifted the Susquehanna County economy.
Published: October 14, 2011
MONTROSE, Pa. — In the economic downturn three years ago, Adam Diaz idled the trucks at his bluestone quarry and silenced the saws at his lumber mill.
Montrose is located along the gas-rich Marcellus Shale.
Fortunately for him, the gas companies arrived at about the same time, and Mr. Diaz saw an opportunity.
He started hauling their waste. He parlayed 1 truck into 8 and now has a fleet of 53. Then he revived a weedy rail spur and now leases 210 rail cars to haul more waste containers. His work force grew to 180 from 30 as he created a business that now has revenues of $45 million a year.