Death By Medicine
Revealing DVD From Gary Null, PhD
by Eliot M. Camaren
Ask anyone what the leading cause of death in the United States is and they are likely to say it’s heart disease. Well, that is a big killer but it is not the leading cause of death. Cancer? Nope. Smoking? No again.
The corporate media has been covering it up for years, but the medical establishment knows what the leading cause of death in this country is: iatrogenesis. That’s a $10 word meaning death from medical treatment. You read that right. The leading cause of death in this country is the supposedly “live-saving” medical treatment people receive, accounting for up to 50% of all hospital admissions.
On this subject, the film Death By Medicine pulls no punches. Nor does it reveal anything that the medical profession does not already know. They just don’t want YOU to know it. Well, with this film, out on DVD, Gary Null PhD pulls back the curtain on this shameful condition.
Why is it that medicine kills people in higher numbers than anything else in this country? How can this be happening? For the old, old reason: money. Drugs generate billions and billions of dollars in profits. The drug companies will not let an insignificant little thing like human life, yours or mine, stand in the way of their greed. After all, your misfortune is a prime business opportunity to these vultures. But, hey, that’s Capitalism, right? What are you, some kind of commie? Businessmen have a god-given right to make money even if it’s off your illness! Besides, the drugs are all regulated by the FDA, right? Unfortunately, yes. But what does that do for you?
Consider this: You know how much testing of new drugs the Food & Drug Administration does? None. Absolutely none at all. They rely on the “research” done by the drug companies themselves when pronouncing a drug safe. Worked wonders with Vioxx, did it not? You know who supports the FDA financially? The drug companies, that’s who. This DVD will show you exactly which drugs have been proven conclusively to be fatal, have been approved with demonstrably FAKE STUDIES, and yet are still on the market. All this as patients - read: victims - drop like flies. All to feed the greed and corruption in the medical community.
As one expert in the film points out, we do not have anything like health care in America. We have DISEASE care. Will that change with the wildly misnamed Affordable Health Care Act which the Administration passed? No. That bill was not in any way “health care reform,” as expert Len Saputo, MD points out in the film. It is merely insurance reform. What the democrats did with this law is turn over our entire health care system to the insurance companies, a cadre even more money-hungry than Big Pharma. And if you do not pay the insurance companies, you are a criminal. How is this “health care” reform?
Why is this happening? Simply put, it is to the financial advantage of the drug companies to find a disease from which you suffer - even if they must invent that disease - and medicate you for the rest of your life. Are you kind of shy around strangers? You have Social Anxiety Disorder! TAKE A PILL! Your 4 year old is not all that interested in learning multiplication tables? Your child has ADHD! Drug your child! You have a 3-year old who is obstreperous? OPPOSITIONAL DEFIANCE DISORDER! There’s a drug for your 3 year-old to take till he’s 95!
To you, your little one is a child. To the medical system your child is merely a revenue stream. The great comedian Victor Borge once joked about an uncle who went broke because he invented a cure for which there was no disease. Today, that uncle would be the chairman of an international drug company which finances the medical school research that proves a disease DOES exist. But it gets worse.
The object is not to cure you, but to keep you on drugs forever. What happens when you try to get off those drugs? First there are legal ramifications. Should you refuse to drug your child whose mind simply wanders at times, you can lose custody of your child and even go to jail. But worse than that is the list of effects you will suffer getting off these powerful drugs. Sure, they tell you about the so-called “side effects” that occur when you take the drug, but they never tell you what happens when you quit.
Death By Medicine studies the case of a woman who took drugs for chronic pain, and what happened when she got off them. The woman’s deterioration is shocking; a clarion call to everyone - demanding that you investigate the withdrawal tortures of any drug before you consent to take it. But are drugs the only way to go? No. As the DVD shows, there was a time in America when medical schools taught several palliative and diagnostic disciplines. Homeopathic, Naturopathic, Osteopathic medicine were all studied along with the Allopathic medicine which is prevalent today.
How did this happen? Greed took a hand at the table. At the start of the 20th Century, corporate billionaires refused to see people treated with diet and exercise when that added nothing to their massive stock portfolios. So the Rockefellers, among others, showed their partners in the pharmaceutical companies how to finance medical schools. Purely for the money they could derive from medicating rather than curing people. This evil persists today. The FDA has even raided - at GUNPOINT! - shops that sell vitamin supplements. All this approved by conservatives who claim they believe in limited government intervention in our lives.
Yeah, right. Not when there is a dollar to be made, they don’t. To reinforce this deadly drug culture, we now have something only one other country in the worlds has: direct to consumer advertising of drugs. Smiling, happy people in TV spots run and cavort on a hillside while a soothing voice extols the virtues of things with idiotic names that sound like AMBISTENE or MELTIFIZENE, LYFEONNALYNE or anything else composed of a silly collection of syllables pulled out of thin air.
A comforting voice tells you that these drugs will manage your disease... but what disease? The ads generally don’t tell you that. Nevertheless, millions of gullible saps see it on TV and demand this drug from their doctor.
Doctor refuses? Okay, they can get another doctor; a doctor who will say yes because that doctor is well rewarded by the drug representatives who haunt the medical suites these days. Several such reps are interviewed in Death By Medicine. What they have to say is horrific!
After seeing this eye-opening film, one thought haunted my mind: Given the current state of medicine, namely, that the American medical system is under the stranglehold of Big Pharma and the Insurance Companies, to whom you are merely a dollar sign, perhaps it’s a good thing after all that we Americans lack universal health coverage...