Richard Duncan - Is ACLU Aware? Sebelius, HHS Censor Vaccine Concerns, Produce ‘Fertility Impairing Vaccine’
May 3, 2012
Gary Null in Disease, Health, Vaccines

The ACLU produced a paper on the pandemic laws pointing out that they lack public health measures. They are solely about “security” (martial law). The laws can be invoked without proof of even an infectious disease in the area and yet include the forcing of unknown, untested vaccines on the country, with no exceptions. People could be taken away (imprisoned) for refusing, where they would likely be vaccinated in any case.

To put it mildly, these are vaccine safety issues.

The ACLU is focused on the First Amendment. Is it aware that Kathleen Sebelius at the Dept. of Health & Human Services (HHS) censored media from reporting on vaccine safety issues? Is the ACLU aware that large range of “concerns” about vaccines are breaking out around the world?

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and GAVI’s polio vaccines are causing mass paralysis in India and Pakistan and with a more deadly strain than natural polio; the pertussus vaccines are spreading pertussis via vaccinated populations and creating a more virulent strain; the measles vaccines aren’t working to protect against measles; the pentavalent vaccine is causing a high number of adverse events and deaths; Andrew Wakefield’s work on the MMR vaccine has been substantiated; and these are only the most recent stories showing up primarily in foreign media.

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