"Progressive Radio Network Host Mitchell J. Rabin, Monday @ 6pm(est) - A Better World Newsletter
June 6, 2011
Gary Null

A Better World on Progressive Radio Network

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Jean Houston - purpose and destinyMonday, 6pm EST, June 6, 2011: Scholar, Philosopher and Author, Dr. Jean Houston, is one of the foremost visionary thinkers and doers of our time and one of the principal founders of the Human Potential Movement. A powerful and dynamic speaker she has served as consultant to several agencies of United Nations including UNICEF and the UNDP. She has worked in over 100 countries training leadership at every level to enhance skills and purpose so as to bring a new mind to bear upon challenging issues.

Jean is offering a free 75-minute downloadable audio seminar entitled 3 Keys to Discovering and Living Your True Purpose now available at http://www.DestinyandYou.com which is going to be a featured part of today's interview. Jean was a guest on A Better World TV which will be aired soon. As one of my favorite human beings, I do hope you join us for today's broadcast.


A Better World on Manhattan Neighborhood Network



Watch A Better World TV in Real Time

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Gary YoungTuesday, 10:30pm EST, June 7, 2011: Mitchell's guest this evening is Naturopath and founder, President of Young Living Essential Oils, Gary Young. Gary has earned a world-wide reputation for his fragrant, healing oils which he has produced from plants carefully gathered from around the world. He has re-introduced the role of the olfactory, the power of smell, as well as the vibratory rate of Nature's essences, into the domain of healing and pleasure. In an unusual interview shot during a rare visit by Gary to NYC some time ago, Mitchell & Gary have a delightfully informative talk about oils & healing in Mitchell's Living Room Set. Don't miss it!


Radio shows are archived on www.abetterworld.net, some include video stream archives

TV shows are aired in Manhattan every Tuesday ay 10:30PM EST on ch.57 (RCN: ch.84 / Fios: ch.35)

Coming Back to Ourselves money Our world is so beautiful, and the way we humans have constructed it, it's always also pulling at us, at our attention, in one way or another. In the world, society we've inherited and then perpetuate/co-create, it's largely "a world for sale", there's a mercantile undercurrent to just about everything about us, a commercial tinge or 'ring'. So it doesn't stand just "as itself" in its own beauty so much, its own glory, but as something that is somehow merchandisable. And I'm suggesting while making money is a grand thing and provides us energy for much good human doing, if everything we behold, see and embrace is an implied commercial exchange or enterprise, there's an emptiness, ironically, which can ensue, which is why I'm raising the subject.

natureWhat if we could behold our world as glorious in Itself, without anything added 'unto' it? Nature as an expression of the highest nature of biological evolution, laughing its way through beauty into our hearts? What if simply strolling along the beach, or in the mountains brought forth a quiet, radiant smile to our souls? There is a purity in these images, an archetypal relationship of man to his environment, to Nature Herself, that has slipped away in some measure from modern life, urban, suburban and even rural. Under the din of computer sounds and electronic hiccoughs, we have lost the sounds and whispers of Nature. I return often to the words of Ken Wilber, who calls us back to "the Good, the True & the Beautiful", as words of daily guidance for myself, out of which one can divine one's deeper purpose. One's purpose in being alive and in action. I refer to this in the book soon-to-be-completed called Awakening the Soul to Action, in which it is discussed how we humans can access our unique role in what I call sacred stewardship". It's like a cord in the heart, and a chord, that gets plucked like a lyre, when our lives are filled with purpose, and the vibration of meaning which comes with it. I hope you read it when it becomes available.

The Joy of Jean Houston

Jean Houston

I have been blessed to have many wonderful people in my life, as friends, colleagues, clients and family. There is no dearth of good, loving, warm-hearted and among them, brilliant people who populate my life, I feel so fortunate to say. But once in a while, there is someone who comes along and just breaks through all molds, or just reaches me somehow like Cupid's Arrow piercing my Spiritual Heart, and for me that's Jean Houston (I hope she doesn't blush...)

I've known about Jean for many years, primarily through her writing and then through friends who have been students in her Mystery School and got to know her quite well. One good friend, Jim Roby, an indoor air quality specialist, who was a long-time student of Jean's, after hearing about some of the new work I was doing with my org., A Better World, in a moment of inspiration said "You and Jean have to meet!!" So he arranged for me to sit in on a day of the Mystery School when it was in Port Jervis and for Jean and I to meet and have dinner together in the retreat's summer camp-like cafeteria. It was memorable because the food was so plain and the conversation was so rich.

Just listening to the ebb and flow of her stream during the class, from ancient Greek and speaking of 'mythos' to modern-day dilemma, to the way the mind and brain work in perception, I felt like I was "at home" in the more brilliant, expressive part of my own mind (only later did I find out that we are both Taurus, which, in this case, somehow accounts for an unusually deep shared sense of relationship to Earth and Creation Herself), because I know such circular, spiralling thinking in myself. To see it in someone else, and so improved and deepened was intellectually orgasmic.

Many people speak about 'holistic', about integrative. I feel that if there's are two words that describes my "Weltanschaung", they are these. The themes are embedded with love, compassion and caring for the Universe, but the understanding and world view from which I live are by definition holistic and integrative. Jean Houston, it is clear to me in the way she thinks and acts in the world, that she too embodies this deep, world view and translates heart and word into action. In some important way, I believe that there is a mirroring effect at play here and that by knowing her and spending time with her, guides me to greater wisdom and action.

The dinner was wonderful and confirmed my sense of Jean Houston's brilliance, humor and humanity. I could have drunk water for the meal and have been fully sated. She had an ability to listen and to appreciate. It's an attention with a caress.

A story-teller par excellence, a thinker and a doer in the world, through writing, teaching, modeling and developing leadership programs through the U.N. for people on the ground across the world, Jean is simply a real hero to me, and stands beyond even the brilliant souls that I have known. I'm so pleased to have her on the radio show this coming week.

A few years ago I was invited to lead a meditation retreat weekend in Ashland, OR through the Oneness community I was actively part of at the time, and so I spent a week in Ashland after the retreat doing private sessions and other teaching on healing, consciousness and Energy Medicine. I had the chance to spend time with my dear friend Jimmy Twyman and even had a July 4th celebration at Neale Donald Walsch's, (where interestingly, he pointed out to me that there was a picture I was in on one of his bookshelves, taken at a Natural Law Party event in NYC years before) and the July 4 parade was one of these "old-fashioned American town" parades that just made me feel so "American", an unusual kind of feeling, being raised culturally Jewish in the Northeast section of our country. A good time was had by all.

I had known that Jean had recently moved from NY to Ashland so I arranged to do a A Better World TV interview with her. We set up in her living room, which looked a good deal more like the British Museum, and we entered that space of exploration of psyche combined with love of life, curiosity about humanity and a deep call to serve it, despite its peculiarities and what emerged was a conversation of great lightness, depth, humor and color.

So I look wonderfully forward to Jean being on A Better World Radio this Monday evening to discuss life-purpose and destiny, the subjects of a tele-seminar she is currently teaching. Please tune into the show and for a glimpse ahead, go to http://www.DestinyandYou.com.

Swami Beyondananda - Step Beyond with Beyondananda here in NYC Wed. Eve., June 15. Get Entered into the Magic Carpet Ride Raffle!

Swami Beyondananda

Yes, you too may qualify for a ride on Swamiji's magic carpet, which he's flying into NY on June 15. The first 100 people who sign up (and of course pay, such rides are not free, though the air they ride on temporarily is as of this writing...) may be entered into a raffle and may be selected depending on the qualities and weight of your etheric body. Swamiji definitely has the first and last say in this!

Swami Beyondananda

But it's worth a try and no matter, you'll have a light and lively evening with one of the funniest--and wisest--in the New Age Community because his humor and wisdom originate somewhere between Sirius and the Borscht Belt.

If you haven't had the pleasure of experiencing Swami Beyondananda in person, step out beyond yourself, with a friend or two, and come join us at the Meta Center on Wed., June 15, 7pm. Swamiji partnered with cellular biologist Bruce Lipton, another good friend of A Better World's, and composed a very thoughtful CD set called Spontaneous Evolution, which looks at life in general and humanity in particular from a highly original and creative point of view. During the Q & A at the end, it'd be a great time to "pick Swami's aura" about such weighty matters and high they combine with the lightness of being.

lynne-mctaggart-the-bondTuesday, June 7th, 2011 Alan Steinfeld & NewRealities

in co-sponsorship with FIONS and the New York Open Center

present a talk with best-selling author

Lynne McTaggart on her new book, The Bond. 7:00pm – 9:30pm, Cost: $20

Discount with code below. To register and for more information, visit the New York Open Center Web site:


Discount code word: realities Friday, June 10th, 2011 Come to a private Buffet Dinner Salon with Lynne McTaggart Location: to be given upon registration - 6:30 - 9 PM

In this intimate gathering meet members of The Friends of the Institute of Noetic Sciences (FIONS) and others and hear Lynne speak about her latest book The Bond. This breakthrough text is a culmination of her groundbreaking work that offers a new scientific story of life and the human experience. It challenges the very way we conceive of ourselves and our world. The Bond shows that the essential impulse of all life is a will to connect rather than a drive to compete.

FIONS is a non-profit organization that has for over 20 years has been dedicated to the integration of science and consciousness. It’s parent organization IONS was founded by astronaut Edgar Mitchell, when he had an epiphany in space while returning from his walk on the moon. Mitchell had a flash of how both consciousness and spirit were parts of an integrated whole. He felt the Greek word gnosis or noetics, meaning innate knowing, described that feeling. In The Bond, Lynne illustrates how we are inescapably connected; hardwired to each other at our most elemental level—from cells to society. The desire to nurture is so fundamental to who we are that we experience it as one of our chief pleasures of life: as essential as eating and having sex, We succeed and prosper only when we see ourselves as part of a greater whole. This book is a visionary plan for a new way to live in harmony with our true nature and with each other; a new way to heal our relationships, our neighborhoods, and our world.

COST: $125 per person -- Each attendee will receive a copy of The Bond. To register call the FIONS voice mail: 212-741-2207 or Mail a check to: FIONS c/o Polonyi, 365 West End Ave., Apt. 1103, NY, NY 10024

 A Better World Now Offers Portable, Award-winning, Portable, Water Filters

for Yourself, Family & Donating to Haitian Children in Need

LifeSaver BottleIn these times, having a portable water filter for yourself, family & those in dire need.


Learn more and order at: www.abetterworld.net/wellness/lifesaver-bottle

Additionally - A Better World is now a supplier to the U.N./NGO and Relief Agency communities. We have LifeSaver Bottles, the portable water filtration bottles, larger ones for a village and even solar-power water filtration systems that can then power a house from the stored energy. We have recycled, very well-priced pre-fab housing, large, flexible domes which can cover a field or a tent city. You can contribute to the Haitian People's Support Project (HPSP) through us and help to bring clean, cholera-free water to children across Haiti. If interested, send an email to abetterworldinfo@yahoo.com with the phrase "Clean Water for Haiti" and we'll send you information on how to donate. The individual water bottles are $199. is something that a child could walk around with.and always have access to clean water, even from a puddle.

LifeSaver JerrycanJerrcanThe larger jerrycan that processes up to 20,000 gallons per filter for a village is $399. There would be many children and villagers who would love you if you were to purchase one or the other on their behalf. HPSP, the Haitian People's Support Project, founded by Haitian-American Pierre LeRoy, is dedicated to helping his fellow Haitians deal with this intense humanitarian crisis and shuttles between NY and Port-au-Prince routinely bringing supplies to the orphanages and schools he has set up there over the course of the past couple of decades. We at A Better World are currently helping to raise some funding for this organization. Recently, our representative, Ed Koster, met with relatives of the new Haitian President, and our products, from filters to recycled pre-fab homes and inflatable enclosures, may be getting into Haiti on a larger basis soon. Your contributions to HPSP can make this happen. Just contact us at abetterworldassistant@yahoo.com and put in the subject line: Donation to HPSP. The Haitian people will greatly thank you.

Detoxify, Nourish & Feel-Look Younger at A Better World Wellness


Gazzy Parman

When people drink IN Extreme Energy Complex to amp up the bio-electricity of their cells in the morning, they feel better all day. When they take Maxodin to keep their brain and nervous system working harmoniously and coherently their mental clarity, memory and health begin to change.

Are anti-aging or "healthy longevity" interesting ideas to you? If so, look at GSH-IGNITE and Adrenal Reboot which, when combined with a good dietary and exercise regimen, one gathers a significant amount of energy and can lose weight as well. Glutathione, one of the body's most powerful anti-oxidants, is the basis of GSH.

On weekends, for exercise and pleasure, I play paddle-tennis, a scaled-down form of tennis. When I get up in the morning, I take IN Extreme Energy daily, and just before going to work out or to play, I take GSH-IGNITE and oh my, has my game improved due to greater strength, energy, stamina and endurance. My fellow teammates probably think I've been taking steroids! Because these are all-natural and largely organic, A Better World makes these available to its community and the public.

To read more in depth about these or to order them, go to: www.abetterworld.net/wellness. This is one of the easiest, most affordable ways to care of one's health. There is more....look out for next issues! For an article Mitchell wrote on "The Body Electric", go to: http://living-well.net/2009/12/07/eating-food-gaining-electrical-charge-the-wonders-of-electro-nutrition/

The good, the bad & the uglyWe appreciate feedback at A Better World.

The good, bad & ugly. Please keep it coming!


A Better World Media - Watch & Listen

Listen to A Better World Radio (Mondays at 6 pm EST) 

Watch A Better World TV (Tuesdays at 10:30 pm EST) online

Go to www.abetterworld.net/media and click through

You can watch A Better World TV on the air in Manhattan at Ch. 57 (T-W), 84 (RCN) or 35 (Fios).

Blessings to all!

Mitchell Jay Rabin, M.A., L.AC.

212 420-0800


Article originally appeared on The Gary Null Blog (http://www.garynullblog.com/).
See website for complete article licensing information.