By Mitchell Rabin
The tea is brewing, the coffee is being poured, and in other cases, the green juice is being Vita-mixed first thing in the morning in many American kitchens across the land. The sun is just beginning to peak in, another beautiful day, get the kids ready for school and then off to work.
Yes, it's another day in the urban, suburban and rural life of an American. He and she assume a level of certainty that they live in a free country with all the protections conferred through the Constitution and Bill of Rights. The assumption is so strong, it is veritably a 'way of life', nothing we have to think about, because it is at the heart of our American society. Right?
Free speech, freedom of religion, the 5th Amend-ment, and the rest, right? It was right until just last week. Now it's wrong. This is not an assumption we can any longer make, because the Senate has just passed a bill called The Military Authorization Act, which, more than the Patriot or the Military Commission Acts both passed during the Bush-Cheney Administration, eviscerates, disembowels Habeas Corpus and Posse Comitatus. Excuse me?
Yes: the right to due process, a day in Court and that the military is prohibited from coming onto domestic soil and act against its own people militarily. Further, any foreigner or any American can be picked up and placed into unrestricted indefinite detention. No lawyer, no day in court, Nada. Is this the American way?
Are We Kidding that the Bill of Rights Has Just Been Given its Marching Orders by Congress?
Yes, I'm kidding! Bad joke. Let's just return to the football game and, pass me a beer, eh? Are we winning
No my friends, I should be kidding, but I'm not kidding. We are facing the legal crime of the century, even surpassing the theft of our economy by Wall St. banks in September, 2008.
In fact, kidding aside, a bill that authorizes some 550 billion dollars to the U.S. War Machine. This is the military economy that President General Eisenhower warned us about in 1960 in his parting speech. It is the war machine and economy that Major General Smedley Butler of the U.S. Marine Corps., having been 1 of only 19 men to have every earned the Medal of Honor twice, declared publicly in his book War is a Racket, going back to 1935, that dominates our government.
The Bill of Rights and Constitution protect us from the scourges of a government-gone-mad, and here is that government-gone-wild, seeking to legislate away the very basis and foundation of the freedoms of our People.
I wouldn't mind turning my attention to the things I love to attend to on a weekend, some exercise, paddle tennis, a touch of leisure time, visiting friends, seeing my girlfriend and taking in a film. But this weekend, in light of this pathological scourge on our way of life, compromised as it is by the bailout crime scene that has to date gone unprosecuted, as a result of which millions of Americans lost their homes and are now out of work and suffering, I've had to write about things I'd way rather avoid!
There is just way too much fun to be had than to have to monitor those who are making big bucks to represent us in Congress by sacred oath and vow to uphold our Constitution. Do we the People have to do everything?
Read about it yourself and decide whether your Senators are representing you or the military corporate establishment. You can either then return to your can of beer or glass of wheatgrass, or sign a petition, call your Senator and Congress person, and not ask, not even urge, but demand that they take these unbelievable provisions out of the Bill (for instance, per the Udall Amendment which calls for removing these provisions).
Then ask how long they have been temporarily insane and whether they should be relieved of office until they recover and is there a contact person in the case of emergency? Remember: we are paying them when they write legislation that is designed to overthrow their vow to us, their solemn pledge and to authorize our own military, which we also underwrite, to act against us and to authorize the President to indefinitely detain anyone, including any American, without a trial, indefinitely. If there is anything that needs immediate action from ALL Americans, it is this.
Messing with our Supplements, Food & Money isn't Enough?
Apparently, the FDA's unflagging efforts to turn our simple desire to buy Vitamin C into a medically-prescribed transaction by a doctor who typically knows little even about nutrition or Vitamin C, not even as much as his nurse, isn't enough. Not labeling foods that are riddled with GMO's isn't enough. Spending our hard-earned money we pay in taxes on the largest military and the smallest health-care and educational system in the so-called "civilized world" isn't enough. The Congress also wants to take away our God-Granted Rights that are guaranteed by our Bill of Rights and Constitution.
Taken from Mike Adams' Natural News Newsletter:
"In a stunning move that has civil libertarians stuttering with disbelief, the U.S. Senate has just passed a bill that effectively ends the Bill of Rights in America.
This bill, passed late last night in a 93-7 vote, declares the entire USA to be a "battleground" upon which U.S. military forces can operate with impunity, overriding Posse Comitatus and granting the military the unchecked power to arrest, detain, interrogate and even assassinate U.S. citizens with impunity.
It's being called the most traitorous act ever witnessed in the Senate, and the language of the bill is cleverly designed to make you think it doesn't apply to Americans, but toward the end of the bill it essentially says it can apply to Americans "if we want it to."
Even WIRED magazine was outraged at this bill, reporting:
...the detention mandate to use indefinite military detention in terrorism cases isn’t limited to foreigners. It’s confusing, because two different sections of the bill seem to contradict each other, but in the judgment of the University of Texas’ Robert Chesney — a nonpartisan authority on military detention — “U.S. citizens are included in the grant of detention authority.”
The passage of this law is nothing less than an outright declaration of WAR against the American People by the military-connected power elite. If this is signed into law, it will shred the remaining tenets of the Bill of Rights and unleash upon America a total military dictatorship, complete with secret arrests, secret prisons, unlawful interrogations, indefinite detainment without ever being charged with a crime, the torture of Americans and even the "legitimate assassination" of U.S. citizens on right here on American soil!
If you have not yet woken up to the reality of the police state we've been warning you about, I hope you realize we are fast running out of time. Once this becomes law, you have no rights whatsoever in America -- no due process, no First Amendment speech rights, no right to remain silent, nothing."
Thank you Mike. So let's flip the channel, pour another smoothie and forget it! It couldn't possibly be true, it's too brash, it's too, Un-American, it's too, I don't know, everything!And we want to concentrate on the Good, God knows. But apparently, that can't happen if you have members of Congress and government, who do not have our interests in mind but their own. They are committing illegal and unethical acts right under our noses, just like we rudely say about what happens in "third world nations"... But this is the "Gold Standard of Democracy" here in America, right? Or so we were led to believe for so long.
This weakening of our country is all by design. It is virtually systemic: the Frankenfood which doesn't have to be labelled (in a free society!), i.e., the destruction of our gene pool, fluoride in the water, our kids drugged for shaking their leg in class or being inattentive, vaccinations which have been found to be carcinogenic, no abortions allowed even when a woman is raped or whose life is medically endangered, but it's fine to send the 18 year-old embryo to do battle for the oil companies called 'fighting-for-democracy" in lands run by dictators which also happen to be oil-rich! Fancy that!
Or, let's act as Stewards, with love in our heart, integrity in our soul and appreciation of the sacredness of life in our actions and sign a petition: and pass it on to others, call our "Representatives" and stay in action until this black cloud is neutralized.
We are soon to "arrive" in the very controversial "2012", an exciting time of vast change. Our goal at A Better World is to help support change for the good of all, to lay down the blueprints for a sustainable society that works for everyone. Yet, we are faced with these formidable challenges that the Old Guard continually brings forth to preserve a way of life that is completely unnatural and the forces of Nature and Humanity literally compel them to "drop the Guard" and move on to a more progressive, evolved, equitable, environment-and-life-respecting paradigm, instead of the "search-and-destroy" mission the current establishment is currently on.
This week's radio and TV shows each address the de-construction of current society as we know it and its much more sane re-construction of it according to humane, spiritual, commonsense values that are in alignment with Nature including our own, as Zen calls it, "Original Nature".