Mike Feder - Memorial Day in The Rear View Mirror (Video)
June 4, 2012
Gary Null in OccupyWallSt, Politics, World Politics

To read the great article associated with his video, Click here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mike-feder/memorial-dayin-the-rear-v_b_1563189.html 

When was the last time--as a nation--that we observed or celebrated a national holiday without getting drunk, or fatter, or blow money we couldn't afford on some useless junk?

Now we have become the new Roman Empire--we (The President/Emperor and The Military) invade, occupy, corrupt and steal just as we please. And at home the cops beat non-violent protesters in the streets and the government spies on all of us.

So, I ask the question again: Just why did our soldiers die in The Revolutionary War, The Civil War and in World War II? I thought it was for Freedom, Equality and Justice. Maybe I got it wrong.

written and narrated by Mike Feder

video conception and creation by Todd Mathews

Listen to Mike Feder every Saturday from 5-8PM Eastern time on Sirius XM Left Channel 127 and also on Progressive Radio Network (PRN.FM): Occupied Territory (Thursdays @ 1PM ET) and The Turning Point (Mondays at 4pm ET); both shows available on podcast and Stitcher.

Mike's website is http://www.federfiles.com

Article originally appeared on The Gary Null Blog (http://www.garynullblog.com/).
See website for complete article licensing information.