Dr. Mercola
Chronic disease is the single biggest killer in the U.S., and treating chronic disease accounts for 75 percent of the nation's health care spending. But a new study may indicate that the preoccupation of conventional medicine with treating symptoms may have prevented physicians from noting a common denominator to many diseases.
The researchers were looking for universal regulating factors in nature that are related to chronic diseases, and concluded that the interaction of the human body with the electrical charge of the earth is such a factor. They found evidence that a connection to the earth -- sometimes referred to as Earthing or grounding -- is essential for normal physiology.
According to the study, as reported by Mary Anne Liebert, Inc.:
“Our shoes, with their insulating soles made of plastic or rubber, and our contemporary homes and buildings have disconnected us from a vital ‘nutrient’ in the form of electrons from the earth ... Earthing or grounding during sleep resulted in statistically significant changes in the concentrations of minerals and electrolytes in the blood serum: iron, ionized calcium, inorganic phosphorus, sodium, potassium, and magnesium ... One can count on the fingers of one hand the genuine discoveries in the history of medicine that have totally and unequivocally changed our understanding of health and disease ... Discovery of the underlying causes of the chronic diseases would be another milestone, and may now be within reach.”