A breaking new Mercy For Animals undercover investigation has resulted in unprecedented legal action on behalf of farmed animals. Hidden-camera video footage secretly recorded by an MFA investigator has led to 21 criminal cruelty-to-animals charges against the owner, two managers and five employees at Ontario Livestock Sales, one of the oldest and largest livestock auctions in southern California. The shocking video footage shows:
Upon reviewing the undercover footage, Temple Grandin, PhD, animal welfare advisor to the USDA, wrote: “The handling was very rough and kicking animals is not acceptable. If this auction had been a federally inspected meat packing plant, they would have suspended inspection and shut them down.” As MFA continues to expose the unconscionable cruelties inherent in animal agriculture, and to diligently pursue justice by aiding prosecutions of animal abusers, consumers still hold the greatest power of all to end the needless suffering and death of farmed animals by adopting a compassionate, vegetarian diet. Click here to read the Associated Press article about the investigation, which broke this morning. Click here to make a donation to support MFA’s lifesaving work. |